
Theft / burglary

Workplace theft costs New Zealand businesses millions of dollars every year and is often not discovered until it’s too late. ADVANCED can help with the prevention, deterrence and covert or overt investigation of workplace theft.

We can speak about numerous examples of successful investigations that have resulted in staff members confessing their misconduct. We have recovered stolen property valued at thousands of $ and we have brokered agreements whereby offenders have repaid employers for the property stolen.

Our investigative methods have a point of difference that ensures we give our clients real results.

Recent investigations have resulted in criminal prosecutions of staff for the theft and receiving of large amounts of copper wire stolen from Transpower on the main trunk line.

A Senior staff member and a customer of a major NZ Fishing company was recently convicted in the Auckland District Court after fish product valued at around $500,000 was found to have been stolen.

The list goes on and on – eggs, chicken products, you

name it. If it moves, it is likely to be stolen at some point in the delivery chain.

Organised crime, drug dealing and manufacturing is usually behind major staff thefts. Early effective investigation of these situations by people who have ‘real experience’ is effective.

There are many benefits to using an unbiased third party to conduct the investigation and employee interviews that can stop the theft of company assets. A well-planned and executed workplace investigation by a private investigator can be a very effective way to identify those involved with theft and prevent its recurrence.

So, whether it’s an investigation into depleting stock levels, embezzlement or suspicion of staff sharing industry secrets, we can help. Via our investigative network, ADVANCED has access to a wide range of resources and with our vast experience we will help uncover the facts.

Domestic and Commercial burglaries can be solved and property can be recovered even when there appears to be no logical lead to follow. Often there are no witnesses to these crimes, no fingerprints and no DNA evidence.

At ADVANCED, we use effective investigative tools that have resulted in the apprehension of burglars in such cases and the recovery of the stolen property.

For obvious reasons these methods are not publicised but we do advise our clients of this as we action the investigation plan.